Action 2: Preparation and conduct of studies
The activity will be implemented mainly by the NSI
- Best approaches and methods will be selected to develop criteria for identifying vulnerable population groups;
- Defining additional data sources and data collection methods;
- Design of field survey (questionnaires, samples, development of IT tools, logistics) – development of tools and methodology for implementation of new approaches for collecting data on vulnerable population groups;
- Various target groups will be trained – trainers, interviewers, accompanying individuals to apply the research toolkit and methodology appropriately to achieve the expected results and quality requirements;
- Data collection – organization and monitoring of the field work with the interviewers and coordinators (supervisors);
- Data processing – processing, validation, coding of survey data in accordance with the quality requirements and the objectives of the project;
- Combining / matching data from different sources – applying new approaches in the analysis of data based on the interconnection of data from various sources (census, NSI periodical data, data from administrative registers, etc.);
- Analysis of the results of the survey – production of a validated data set, frequency analysis and cross-tables. Analysis of the relevance of the approaches used and methods of data collection.
The activity will be put into effect by conducting a sample survey in households. A sufficient sample is planned to ensure the representativeness of the survey, both in terms of territorial distribution and coverage of vulnerable population groups. The survey will be carried out within 4-5 months of the NSI interviewing staff with the necessary expertise and experience. The data will be processed and submitted to the Project Partner. Indicators at NUTS3 level will be calculated based on the list defined in Action 1.
Expected results
- Developed tool for conducting a household survey;
- Prepared representative sample in accordance with criteria appropriate for the survey goals;
- Various target groups to be trained;
- Developed IT tool for data input and data processing;
- Conducted household survey;
- New approaches applied in the analysis of data based on the interconnection of data from various sources (census, NSI periodical data, data from administrative registers, etc.);
- Production of a validated data set, frequency analysis and cross-tables;
- Report on summarized indicators at district level.